Poetry/poesia na aula de inglês (parte II)

Uma das atividades que mais gosto de fazer com os alunos é creative writing. Neste tipo de tarefa os alunos podem dar asas  à sua imaginação,  sem medo de errar, arriscando em termos de linguagem mas, o mais interessante, explorando emoções  que muitas vezes não tinham ainda verbalizado No inicio do ano letivo dei-lhes ,através de um poema padrão com várias variantes na estrutura, a possibilidade  de escreverem um pequeno poema intitulado, I remember.

 Os alunos tinham apenas que recordar algo do passado, mobilizando sensações, tais como imagens, cheiros, cores…

Eis aqui alguns exemplos:


The red house

I remember  the red house

staring at me from above

with all the glory that she held

I remember changing my mind about the cute dog that lived there

he became terrifying

I remember the sound of his barks

the feeling that he would jump at any time and land right in my head

I remember I walked faster when the moment to face the dog came

I remember that I was still worried after walking away

I still had to walk the next horrifying street to get home

Mariana Vaz 12ºD


My first time seeing a cow

I remember the horrible smell that irritated my nostrils

I remember the silence

I remember the sudden "moo" that came out of the darkness

I remember jumping four feet backwards when I saw that astonishing oversized animal

I remember feeling pretty dumb when I realized that I was standing in front of a cow

Bryn 12ºC


My first day of 10th form

I remember feeling anxious because I did not know anybody in my class, but also feeling excited to meet new people

I remember I felt scared sitting in my French class because I could not understand a word

I remember that it was hard to get a lunch table because there were so many people

I remember the loud sound of people shouting at break time

I remember being approached by two girls in my class and hanging out with them after school and making my first friends

Joana Ramos 12ºD


My first holiday with my friends

I remember my friend's faces when we got in the plane

I remember them being afraid of flying

And I remember that I was excited for this experience

I remember the tropical smell of the air when we got there and the green landscape around us

I remember the place where we had our first breakfast

I remember the taste of those chocolate cookies we ate

I remember the last sunset and I remember feeling peaceful and really happy

Ana Francisca 12ºC



“My first time travelling to another country”

I remember the crowd of strangers at the airport,

I remember the smell of sweaty people,

I remember my mum being always in a hurry,

I remember that we bought a lot of snacks for the trip,

I remember felling nervous but at the same time excited

Matilde Cirne 12º A



Prof.ra Elsa Andrade